(set: $line to 0)
\(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\(background: white)
\[//It's finally here, the first day of classes at Bard College. It felt like it would never happen//]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[
\(replace: ?dialogue)[//It's a day of endless possibilities, new opprotunities, new friends, and maybe even new romance.//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace: ?dialogue)[//But enough daydreaming. First I gotta get to class. Wait, where am I going, again?//]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(set: $nocontinue to 1)(replace: ?dialogue)[**What class are you going to?**
[[Intro to Afro-Japanese Fantasy Audio Dramas-> Olin]]
[[Evolutionary Compu-Chemistry-> RKC]]
]]]]<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/gV6ABwX.png">
\(set: $image to 0)(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[//Whew, made it with lots of time to spare.//]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[//People are... well, not bustling, but ambling with purpose all over the place. None of them really seem that chatty, though.//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[//If only some kind of adorable meet-cute happened to-- **oof!**//]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[**???:** Oof! Oh my god, I'm so sorry. (set: $image to 1)]]
\(if: $line is 4)[(replace:?dialogue)[//How convenient!//]]
\(if: $line is 5)[(replace:?dialogue)[**???**: I, uh, didn't mean to scare you, there. Most people tend to see me coming, haha.]]
\(if: $line is 6)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: I'm Olin. Nice to meet you.]]
\(if: $line is 7)[(replace:?dialogue)["O-oh, no, it's my fault. It's--nice to meet you." //Oh hey, he dropped something. It looks like some kind of flyer.//]]
\(if: $line is 8)[(replace:?dialogue)[//"No-Judgement Poetry Night, tonight at 7".//]]
\(if: $line is 9)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: Oh, sorry. I'm in charge of updating the event board on this part of campus. Do you like poetry?]]
\(if: $line is 10)[(set: $nocontinue to 1)(replace:?dialogue)[
[[I write poetry, sometimes...]]
[[Poetry is pretentious.]]
[[Well, that depends. Do you like it?]]
\(if: $image is 1)[
\(replace: ?image)[<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/Z8K3fzC.png">]]]][]<image|
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[//It takes me about thirty seconds to get completely lost. I still have time to spare, but it's getting more sparse by the minute (you know, how time works).//]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[//Suddenly, I feel someone tapping at my shoulder.//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**???:** Excuse me, are you lost?](replace:?image)[<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/xzM1cE4.png">]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)["Yeah, I think so..." //Holy adorkable! I hand him my schedule, which he squints to read.//]]
\(if: $line is 4)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: I'm actually going that way, so just follow me. ...Oh, I'm RKC, by the way. Don't ask what it stands for.]]
\(if: $line is 6)[(replace:?dialogue)[//He's silent for a little bit as we walk, even though his mouth keeps opening like he's going to talk.//]]
\(if: $line is 5)[(replace:?dialogue)[//From the back, I can see he has a telescope in his bag.//]]
\(if: $line is 7)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: ...Here you are, the new computer lab.]]
\(if: $line is 8)[(replace:?dialogue)[//He wrings his hands shyly, as if he doesn't know whether or not he should leave. What do I do?//]]
\(if: $line is 9)[(replace:?dialogue)[**//What do I say?//**
[[Do you like computer science?]]
[[What's the telescope for?]]
[[Yup. Thanks.]]
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[//The class is a few ways away, leaving me sweating a bit as I arrive. Good thing I decided to head out early.//]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[//I scan the halls for my classroom, but my eye is cought but a lone figure on an empty stage.//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?image)[<img src= "https://i.imgur.com/0HkDIEL.png">](replace:?dialogue)[**???**: ]]
what should fisher be monologuing aboutDouble-click this passage to edit it.[<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/RVkNnUs.png">]<image|
\(set: $image to 0)(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**Olin:** Wow, really?! That's amazing! I'd love to hear your stuff. I'm actually the head of the poetry club. You should come to our event!]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: For some reason a lot of people are scared to show up. I guess poetry can be pretty personal. That and what happened to the previous president...]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[//Huh?//]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: Well, either way, you don't have anything to be scared of. Actually, while I have you, could you help me with this stanza?]]
\(if: $line is 4)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: "walk over me
make a home from my insides
paralyzed in all measures
I am your..."]]
\(if: $line is 5)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: I'm your what? I just can't get it.]]
\(if: $line is 6)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Im your...**
[[...creation to build and break]]
[[...shelter, yours and yours->...creation to build and break]]
[[...chest of treasures? Does that rhyme?]]]
\(if: $image is 1)[(replace:?image)[<img src = <"https://i.imgur.com/Z8K3fzC.png">]]]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/mqduz1T.png">]<image|
\(set: $image to 0)(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**Olin:** Well...I run the club, so... to each their own I guess.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[//Oh crap! I didn't mean to offend him. How do I save this?!//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: Uh, well, bye.]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[//Noooooo!//]]
\(if: $line is 4)[(replace:?dialogue)[(replace:?image)[]**Thus, you were cursed to life of disappointment, forever wondering if you could've made it with that one angular-headed boy... [[try again?->Menu]]**]]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/mfFc5Dw.png">]<image|
\(set: $image to 0)(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**Olin:** O-oh, wow. I--I do, actually. It's my event.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: I'm really passionate about poetry. I think everyone deserves that kind of catharsis, y'know? That's why it's "no judgement." It's less about the art, more about people just having a place to share, y'know?]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: I'm also part of the (either: "chess", "organic farming") club and the (either: "soft sculpture", "french new-wave film") club. Do you like any of that?]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Crap, you don't know what any of that is. Uh...**
[[Oh yeah, totally.]]
[[Honestly, I don't know much about either of those.]]]]]][<img src= "https://i.imgur.com/mfFc5Dw.png">]<image|
\(set: $image to 0)(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**Olin:** ...Wow, you're uh...really good at this.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: I...really hope you make it to the event. And if not, well...I'm basically always here. Come talk to me sometime? Maybe after class?]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)["Sure thing." //Yes!!!//]]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[(replace:?image)[]**Thus, the greatest romance of your life began. You later got married, and released a casette-tape only post-folk album together. [[You win at love! Try again? ->Menu]]**
\]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/Z8K3fzC.png">]<image|
\(set: $image to 0)(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**Olin:** ..Hm, well, it's not really a //rhyming// poem, but I guess I see where you're going with that.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: Thanks for helping me out. I really hope you come to the event. Remember: no judgement, guarenteed. See you around.]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[(replace:?image)[]**Well, that could have gone way worse! If anything, you may have just made a new friend! But alas, this game is not about friendship. So, [[try again?->Menu]]**]]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/Z8K3fzC.png">]<image|
\(set: $image to 0)(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**Olin:** ...That's great. Well, you should come to the clubs then. Here's a flyer.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[//He hands me a big pile of flyers, suddenly far less into our conversation. Did I overshoot it?//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin:** Hope to see you there. ~~Doubt it, though.~~]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[**And thus, like Icarus, your ambition to get with the gorgeous, slightly-brutalist sun results in catastrophe. You can't treat a guy like an object, y'know! [[Maybe try again?->Menu]]**]]]][<img src= "https://i.imgur.com/mfFc5Dw.png">]<image|
\(set: $image to 0)(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**Olin:**: Oh, that's okay. I could...teach you about them, if you want.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Olin**: I...really hope you make it to the event tonight. And if not, well...I'm basically always here. Come talk to me sometime? Maybe after class?]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)["Sure thing." //Yes!!!//]]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[(replace:?image)[]**Thus, the greatest romance of your life began. You later got married, and released a casette-tape only post-folk album together. [[You win at love! Try again? ->Menu]]**
\]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/Dh6q8OX.png">]<image|
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**RKC:** ...Well, yes. I like all kinds of science. Except (either: "psychology", "chemistry"). I'm just not that good at it, heh.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)["Oh, that's really cool!" //Well, looks like that got him out of his shell a little.//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: It's really not as cool as it sounds, but...thank you. ]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[(replace:?image)[<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/xzM1cE4.png">]**RKC**: I'm... actually working on a new programming tool for marine biology-based storytelling. It's called //Brine.//]]
\(if: $line is 4)[(replace:?dialogue)[//Sounds useful.//]]
\(if: $line is 5)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: Actually, I have a question for you. Tell me, do you think video games are art?]]
\(if: $line is 6)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Well are they, bub?**
\]]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/xzM1cE4.png">]<image|
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**RKC:** Oh. I'm part of the astronomy club. We have a meeting tonight and I don't have time to go back and get it, so I'm bringing it to class.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)["I didn't even know we had an astronomy club."]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC:** I guess not too many people are interesting in going stargazing at three in the morning, especially on school nights.]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: There's really nothing like it though. Especially out here, where there's less light polution.]]
\(if: $line is 4)[(replace:?dialogue)[//Is he kidding? That's a recipe for romance. But how do I go about setting this up with such a shy dude? If I come in too strong, will he freak out?//]]
\(if: $line is 5)[(replace:?dialogue)[**What do you say?**
[[I'm sure it's beautiful. I'd love to see it.]]
[[It sounds cool. Maybe I'll come by sometime.]]
]]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/Dh6q8OX.png">]<image|
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**RKC:** Well, see ya..]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 1)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Great conversation skills, dummy. You let him get away. [[Try again? ->Menu]]](replace:?image)[]]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/Dh6q8OX.png">]<image|
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**RKC:** Right answer. I mean, how is a multi-media piece of interactive entertainment not count as art?]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[//Wow, it's like he's a totally different person. I guess some people just need a little encouragement.//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)["I'd love to check out your program. Maybe sometime after class?]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: ...I'd like that. I'll..see you soon, then.]]
\(if: $line is 4)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Eureka! You've got that beautiful, curvy-faced boy! Can you repeat your results, though? [[Try again and find out->Menu]]**]]
\]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/KuDZKTK.png">]<image|
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**RKC:** Why not? What about a combination of visual, audio, and literary mediums, all of which are made interactive, is not art?]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[//Uh oh.//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC:** You liberal arts types are all the same, ripping on genre. God forgive someone make something people like, right?]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: Whatever, I'm out of here.]]
\(if: $line is 4)[(replace:?dialogue)[//He walks away, leaving me alone. Damn, sensitive much?//]]
\(if: $line is 5)[(replace:?dialogue)[**Uh, wrong opinion much? Did you really think saying no would end well in this video game? [[Try again, jerk.->Menu]]**]]
\]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/Dh6q8OX.png">]<image|
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**RKC:** G-great! Well, um, the meeting is only in a few hours, so...I guess we can meet back up after class. If that's. Okay with you.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)["That sounds great." //Aw!//]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: ...I guess it's a date then.]]
\(if: $line is 3)[(replace:?image)[](replace:?dialogue)[**As he leaves, you can see him click his heels together. The night afterwards is beautiful. The stars literally write KISS AND GET MARRIED. It's life-changing. Too bad you don't get to see it. [[Try again? ->Menu]]]]][<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/Dh6q8OX.png">]<image|
\(set: $line to 0)(set: $nocontinue to 0)
\[**RKC:** ...Oh. Yeah, great. Come by whenever.]<dialogue|
(link-repeat: ">>")[
\(if: $nocontinue is 0)[
\(set: $line to it + 1)
\(if: $line is 1)[(replace:?dialogue)[**RKC**: I, uh, guess I'll see you around then. Bye.]]
\(if: $line is 2)[(replace:?dialogue)[**It's a slow start, but with a guy like RKC, that might be a good thing. This could be the start of a friendship, and a friendship could lead to much more. [[Try again? ->Menu]]](replace:?image)[]]]]